Make certain that you know.
This terrifying tale of psychological drama by horror
fantasist Clive Barker, adapted by Fred Burke, and painter Dan Brereton will open your eyes to the roots of fear.
To dread.
Quaid, a student of philosophy, is obsessed by his own nightmare of an ax-murdering clown...so he concocts a series
of experiments to observe firsthand how other people react to the things that most horrify them. But while Quaid
slowly unpeels the psyches of his imprisoned and tortured captives like a reeking onion, his own dread waits, just
beyond his control.
Adapted by:
Fred Burke |
Illustrated by:
Dan Brerton |
Dread © 1992 Clive Barker
$8.95 USA / $10.75 CAN
Published by Eclipse Books
60 Pages
ISBN # 1-56060-142-6 (softcover)
ISBN # 1-56060-143-4 (hardcover)